- Need to Know -
The 5K, Not The Marathon is the Ideal Race
When you look at training for a timed run you may be able to save yourself time, money and injuries all while increasing your overall fitness level by trading marathons for the ever present 5k. The signs suggest that the good ole’ ‘fun run’ has finally come of age.
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The Future of Self
Do you have 15 minutes? If you answered ‘Yes’ to this question then you should be reading this article by Mark Manson. ‘The Matrix’ meets ‘Gattaca’ in Manson’s look into the future of Us and how we’ll be interacting with technology in our lifetimes. Seriously, go read it, like now.
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Are You a Design Minimalist or Maximalist?
Yves Saint Laurent or Patrick Bateman? In a time where pretty much anything goes in terms of interior design, what do your style choices say about you?
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Increasing Fitness in the Other 162 Hours
Let’s be completely honest, you probably don’t train as much as you’d like to. As a hard working athlete, with a family, job and social life it’s just something we all have to come to terms with. There’s a lot of value in finding ways to eek out marginal gains in everyday activity, here are some good places to start.