Michael Serrano-Jones
functional fitness
Valdosta, GA
Michael is a certified personal trainer with degree in Psychology and Exercise Science. He has certifications in martial arts strength and conditioning training, sports nutrition, holistic coaching, general strength and conditioning training, and online coaching. In the future, he intends to branch into high level sports psychology and provide therapeutic services for athletes and their families.
- Winner of VSU’s 2012 Strongest Blazer Competition
- Deadlift PR: 450lbs at 190 lbs BW
- Strict OHP PR: 165 lbs @190 lbs BW
- Zercher Squat PR: 315 lbs @190 lbs BW
- Fastest 40 yd dash: 4.63 sec
- Once Bear Crawled with 200lbs attached for 100 yds with no break